

Donations TeenFlight Puyallup relies on individuals and businesses for annual funding of our program that can open a young person’s mind to new horizons whether in terms of personal achievement or career aspirations in aviation and aerospace sciences. Donations made...
Tax Exempt Status

Tax Exempt Status

Tax Exempt Status   Organization: TeenFlight Puyallup Employer Identification No (EIN): 46-3525903 TeenFlight Puyallup is recognized by the IRS as exempt under section 501(c)(03) of the Internal Revenue Code in a determination issued July 2014. Donors may deduct...


FAQ Organization: Q: Are any of the TeenFlight Puyallup staff compensated for their time? A: No. All organization staff, mentors and instructors volunteer their time with zero compensation. In fact, many of those involved donate money and/or materials to the...
Build Location

Build Location

Build Location Our hangar is located at Pierce County Thun Field in Puyallup, Washington Build nights are Sunday & Monday 5:30 – 7:30 pm Visitors are welcome. Hanger # 6 Hanger # 6 Enter through left...


Background: TeenFlight Puyallup is a Washington State based non-profit organization operating as a public charity providing educational services to high school aged students. TeenFlight Puyallup has been granted 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status by the IRS. TeenFlight...