3 months ago

TeenFlight Puyallup
TF7 is in the paint booth getting the interior painted before attaching the tailcone and final assemblies. ... See MoreSee Less
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1 years ago

TeenFlight Puyallup
This Sunday, July 16th @ 3pm will be our last 2023-24 Student Application meeting. If you know a student that will be in the 9th-12th grade this coming school year, this may be the last opportunity for them to attend the meeting and receive an application.All students wishing to apply MUST be accompanied by their parent(s). ... See MoreSee Less
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1 years ago

TeenFlight Puyallup
TeenFlight enjoyed hosting the Red Tailed Hawks youth program students for their monthly event last Saturday. They had over 30+ of their students come to our hangar and some of our students got to spend time giving them hands-on instructing on riveting and countersinking.I would like to thank Violet, Sterling, Chase, Michael, Lucas for coming in on their day off along with our mentors and parents who also lent a hand. ... See MoreSee Less
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1 years ago

TeenFlight Puyallup
Even though our students spend majority of their time working hands-on building airplanes, they still have to hit the books!!Although schools may teach them to read, here they learn the importance of comprehension. If that fails, they gain additional hands-on skills and experience fixing their mistakes and a new respect for comprehension!!😂 ... See MoreSee Less
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1 years ago

TeenFlight Puyallup
New students Ethan, Roy and Bernard are working on the vertical tail. ... See MoreSee Less
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